Thursday, 4 February 2016

Darul uloom Deoband IN Islam

The day of Thursday 15th of muharram, A.H 1283 (may 30, 1886) blessed and auspicious day in Islamic history of India when the prominent Islamic Ulama headed by Maulana Muhammad Qasim Nanotvi, maulana Rashid 
ahmed Gangohi and Haji Muhammad Hussain Abid. Basically this idea was given by Haji Muhammad Hussain Abid, which brought the today’s most renowned religious and academic center in the Islam[i]ic world. In sub 
continent it is the largest institution for the dissemination and propagation of Islam and the biggest head spring of education in Islamic sciences, known as “Manqulat” to the Muslims according to the Hanafi School of Islamic jurisprudence. At that time it was simply called the “Islamic –Arabic Madrasa” and soon came to be known throughout the world as “ummul-madaris” means the mother of Madrasas.

here are reports that Shaikh Sudais will visit the grand Jama Masjid of Old Delhi on 27 and will lead the Maghrib Salah and address the gathering. 

Shaikh Sudaus will arrive Deoband on 25 March morning with special helicopter where he will be received by Mufti Abul Qasim Nomani, Maulana Abdul Khaliq and other senior members of Darul Uloom Deoband. The Imam is will be accompanied by several Saudi elites and India Muslim leaders. Darul Uloom has arranged to give the Imam a historic warm welcome, while the Deoband and Saharanpur administration estimates that lakhs of people will flock to Deoband for Jumuah prayer. The administration is busy to chart out security and other arrangements for this grand function. 

When the Mughals decline started the east India Company emerge as the new political power in India. An active campaign of Christian missionaries was developing a serious threat to Islam in India and lastly the western education with the patronage of the government had completely ignored the Islamic learnings they want to Christianize the whole sub-continent expressing this desire, Mangles, come over the chairman of the board of the director once stated in the house of commons in 1857, “providence has bestowed upon us the empire of India so that the banner of Christ showed wave triumphant from one end of India to the other1.  The missionaries made every possible effort to spread Christianity. In case, a region was hit by famine. The orphans were admitted into orphanage where they were forcibly converted to Christianity. Such incidents were witnessed in the orphanages of Sikandara during the famine of 18372. These intervention in religious affairs compelled the Muslims to made a madrasa where the basic of religion to be taught.

Pattern of Education
Deoband’s curriculum is based on 17th century Indo-Islamic syllabus known as Darse nizami. The core curriculum teaches Islamic law ( Shariah), Islamic jurisprudence( Fiqah), traditional Islamic spirituality( tasawuf).
The current syllabus consists of four stages, the first three stages can be completed in a total of eight years, and the final stage is post graduate stage where students specialize in a number of advanced topics, such as the sciences of hadees, fiqah and so on.

Aims and objectives:
  1. Providing comprehensive information to the Muslims about their religion and making arrangements for teaching of Quraan, Tafseer, Hadees, etc.
  2. Invoking the spirit of Islam among the students.
  3. Propagation and teaching of Islam.
  4. Preserving the freedom of thoughts and knowledge.
  5. Establishment of Arabic institution for the propagation of Islam

Impacts of Darul uloom Deoband:
Many Islamic schools in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, United Kingdom, South Africa and other parts of the world are theologically linked to Darul uloom Deoband. Deobandi graduates established many seminaries around the world such as darul uloom sabeel us salam in Hyderabad, India, Madrasa Ina’amia camperdown near Durban in south Africa and three seminaries in Pakistan, Darul uloom Karachi, jamia ashraifiya Lahore, jaimia zia ul quraan(Almaroof baghwali masjid) Faisalabad.

Members of the delegation:
1. (Maulana and Mufti) Abul Qasim Nomani, Darul Uloom Deoband VC and the President of All India Rabta Madaris Islamia Arabia (head of the delegation)
2. (Maulana) Rahmatullah Qasmi, member of governing body Darul Uloom Deoband (member)
3. (Maulana) Mahmood Asad Madani, Ex-MP Rajya Sabha (member)
4. (Maulana) Shaukat Ali Qasmi, General Secretary, Rabta Madaris Islamia Arabia & Lecturer, Darul Uloom Deoband (member)
5. (Maulana) Muhammad Salman Bijnori, Lecturer, Darul Uloom Deoband (member)

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Islamic, Says Darul Uloom Deoband


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